
A git server.

When I originally created this, I was using for the cluster; I’ve moved to using instead. This should be almost completely cleaned up now, but remnants of the old DNS name may lurk in the corners.

Deploying gitea #

Unfortunately, the Gitea Helm chart does not support a sqlite database and is not interested in doing so in the future, so our configuration is made more complicated by the need to deploy a Postgres server. (We do not let the Helm chart configure a Postgres server for us, because it provisions a shitty password, and there is no other way to use a secure one.)

Creating secrets files #

pg_gitea_pass="$(pwgen 64)"
pg_admin_pass="$(pwgen 64)"
gt_admin_pass="$(pwgen 64)"
ll_gitea_pass="$(pwgen 64)"

mkdir -p manifests/atmosphere/gitea/secrets

cat > manifests/atmosphere/gitea/secrets/giteadb-credentials.secret.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: giteadb-credentials
  namespace: gitea
type: generic
  # The password for the 'gitea' database user
  pgsql-gitea-password: $pg_gitea_pass
  # The password for the 'postgres' database admin user
  pgsql-admin-password: $pg_admin_pass

cat > manifests/atmosphere/gitea/secrets/gitea-admin-credentials.secret.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gitea-admin-credentials
  namespace: gitea
type: generic
  # Password for Gitea web admin user
  username: teamaster
  password: $gt_admin_pass

cat > manifests/atmosphere/gitea/secrets/lldap-credentials.secret.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: lldap-credentials
  namespace: gitea
type: generic
  # Password for Gitea web admin user
  username: uid=gitea,ou=people,dc=kubernasty,dc=micahrl,dc=com
  password: $ll_gitea_pass

sops --encrypt --in-place manifests/atmosphere/gitea/secrets/giteadb-credentials.secret.yaml
sops --encrypt --in-place manifests/atmosphere/gitea/secrets/gitea-admin-credentials.secret.yaml
sops --encrypt --in-place manifests/atmosphere/gitea/secrets/lldap-credentials.secret.yaml

Configure LLDAP #

Create a gitea service account in LLDAP

  • This must match the LLDAP secret created above
  • Add this user to the lldap_strict_readonly group (TODO: is this ok?)

Create auth groups. Note that group names must match what is in kubernasty/manifests/atmosphere/gitea/configmaps/gitea.overrides.yaml

  • Add gitadmins group
    • Add a user to it
    • I add my 0p3r4t0r administrative user to this.
  • Add totalgits group
    • Add a user to it
    • You must also add your admin user to it, or else they will not be able to log in

Log in as the administrator #

  • Log in as teamaster with the admin creds from gitea-admin-credentials secret, or a user in the gitadmins LLDAP group
  • Top right button -> Site Administration
    • Configuration tab
      • Picture and Avatar Configuration section (… scroll down …)
        • Disable Gravatar: true

SSH connections from outside the cluster #

Kubernetes does not have any native concept of a non-http(s) ingress. However, Traefik can handle this.

First, we need to configure Traefik.

We can do so with kubernasty/manifests/crust/traefik/traefik.config.yaml .

Once that’s in place, we can use Traefik’s custom IngressRouteTCP resource definition to pass SSH traffic to the gitea-ssh service, in kubernasty/manifests/atmosphere/gitea/ingresses/

We are restricted from using port 22 for reasons I haven’t looked into yet, so we have to use port 44822 instead.

Create a second kube-vip interface #

From your first cluster node, create another DaemonSet manifest.

# Make sure this matches the version used to deploy
export KVVERSION=v0.5.8

alias kube-vip="ctr image pull$KVVERSION; ctr run --rm --net-host$KVVERSION vip /kube-vip"

kube-vip manifest daemonset \
    --interface psy0 \
    --address \
    --inCluster \
    --taint \
    --controlplane \
    --services \
    --arp \

You must make changes before saving this to the manifests folder below.

  • The name of the DaemonSet (I used kube-vip-2)
  • The Prometheus port (I used 2212 rather than the default 2112)

Then place in /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifest.

TODO: Finish configuring this. Right now it is just an extra IP address; need to dedicate it to the gitea. subdomain and use it for SSH and set SSH to port 22.


See also #