  • Using flannel for networking; is this encrypted? If not, can we move to a SDN that is encrypted?
  • Consider using a separate subnet for kubernasty. Requires separate switch.
  • Consider network redundancy for kubernasty. Requires USB NICs on my hosts (or different hardware with multiple NICs).
  • Enable real load balancing with kube-vip per
  • Is traefik actually good?
    • Points against
      • Configuration is absolutely fucking insane, easily the worst thing about my Docker Swarm setup
      • Its biggest selling point is built-in Let’s Encrypt support, but you can only use it with HA if you pay
    • Points in favor:
  • Bootstrap Gitea (or similar) onto the cluster, and do gitops based on that.
    • Similar to kubefirst, which looks dope except it doesn’t work with local bare metal.
  • Apps
  • My own code / existing stuff to move here
    • Ifrit Matrix bot
    • SalaciousPatronym Twitter bot
    • private WikiJS instance
  • Secure everything
    • I don’t understand Kubernetes RBAC, and I’m not sure if my cluster is horribly insecure by default or something
    • Secret data is not encrypted at rest by default
  • Can we use firecracker?
  • Accessibility over VPN
    • psynet
    • Tailscale
  • Back up the cluster
    • Certs
    • Any generated encryption key
    • Persistent storage
    • … what else?
  • Change up certificate model
    • Probably need to move to a wildcard cert at this point
    • Consider moving off of ? I don’t want to fuck up production Let’s Encrypt availability. OTOH, that might not matter at all if I am just getting a single wildcard cert for *
    • I think there is no need for my cluster to own certs to other domain names – I’m not going to ever expose this cluster to the public Internet, and I don’t need it to server any * names that aren’t part of *
  • Improve configuration DRY
    • TONS of repetition in my configuration
    • Would be nice if there was a top-level set of input vars files, and everything else flowed out naturally from there
  • Rewrite sections that were reordered
    • At first, I did several things to deploy by hand (the “mantle” section)
    • Now, more of those are handled by Flux, but the docs and manifests are still there
    • Need to rewrite these so that the useful examples of how to deploy things by hand remain, without needing the old notes in place that no longer reflect reality
  • Something should be telling me when containers and/or helm charts are out of date
  • Make a git pre-commit hook in the local repo that rejects secrets that aren’t SOPS-encrypted